
Europese Overeenkomst inzake gewelddadigheden door en wangedrag van toeschouwers rond sportevenementen en in het bijzonder rond voetbalwedstrijden

Geldig van 1 februari 1989 tot 1 september 2020
Geldig van 1 februari 1989 tot 1 september 2020

Europese Overeenkomst inzake gewelddadigheden door en wangedrag van toeschouwers rond sportevenementen en in het bijzonder rond voetbalwedstrijden


[Tekst geldig vanaf 01-02-1989 tot 01-09-2020]

[Regeling ingetrokken per 01-09-2020]

European Convention on Spectator Violence and Misbehaviour at Sports Events and in particular at Football Matches


The member States of the Council of Europe and the other States party to the European Cultural Convention, signatory hereto,

Considering that the aim of the Council of Europe is to achieve a greater unity between its members;

Concerned by violence and misbehaviour amongst spectators at sports events, and in particular at football matches, and the consequences thereof;

Aware that this problem is likely to put at risk the principles embodied in Resolution (76) 41 of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe known as the "European Sport for All Charter";

Emphasising the important contribution made to international understanding by sport, and especially, because of their frequency, by football matches between national and club teams from European states;

Considering that both public authorities and the independent sports organisations have separate but complementary responsibilities to combat violence and misbehaviour by spectators, bearing in mind that the sports organisation also have responsibilities in matters of safety and that more generally they should ensure the orderly conduct of the events they organise; considering moreover that these authorities and organisations should work together for this purpose at all appropriate levels;

Considering that violence is a current social phenomenon with wide repercussions, whose origins lie mainly outside sport, and that sport is often the scene for outbreaks of violence;

Being resolved to take common and co-operative action to prevent and control the problem of violence and misbehaviour by spectators at sports events,

Have agreed as follows:

Article 1. Aim of the Convention


The Parties, with a view to preventing and controlling violence and misbehaviour by spectators at football matches, undertake, within the limits of their respective constitutional provisions, to take the necessary steps to give effect to the provisions of this Convention.


The Parties shall apply the provisions of this Convention to other sports and sports events in which violence or misbehaviour by spectators is to be feared, as appropriate to the specific requirements of such sports and sports events.

Article 2. Domestic co-ordination

Article 3. Measures

Article 4. International co-operation

Article 5. Identification and treatment of offenders

Article 6. Additional measures

Article 7. Provision of information

Article 8. Standing Committee

Article 9

Article 10

Article 11. Amendments


Article 12

Article 13

Article 14

Article 15

Article 16

Article 17

Europese Overeenkomst inzake gewelddadigheden gepleegd door en wangedrag van toeschouwers rond sportevenementen en in het bijzonder rond voetbalwedstrijden


Artikel 1. Doel van de Overeenkomst

Artikel 2. Binnenlandse coördinatie

Artikel 3. Maatregelen

Artikel 4. Internationale samenwerking

Artikel 5. Vaststelling identiteit en behandeling van overtreders

Artikel 6. Bijkomende maatregelen

Artikel 7. Verstrekking van informatie

Artikel 8. Permanente Commissie

Artikel 9

Artikel 10

Artikel 11. Wijzigingen


Artikel 12

Artikel 13

Artikel 14

Artikel 15

Artikel 16

Artikel 17